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David S. Weiss has focused on self-determination values through concepts of mediation theory and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship to foster a bridge between law and business from a cross disciplinary approach. He was formally a structured finance banker and holds a license to practice law in New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. Weiss was an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at New Jersey City University (NJCU) School of Business where he taught global business and launched the B.S. in Entrepreneurship. He was the Founder and Director of the Institute for Dispute Resolution (IDR) and the “Connecting Bridges and Borders Program through Business” at NJCU for more than nine years.
Recently, Weiss started at Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice as a Lecturer running their mediation certificate program. He is actively pursuing his research on conflict resolution bridging law and ESG business policy. During the pandemic, he was the host of the Connecting Bridges and Borders interview series on YouTube and Spotify. As an attorney and serial entrepreneur, he has an extensive background in corporate transactions and has himself been an entrepreneur in start-up platforms over the years.
Weiss is also an IMI Certified Mediator issued through the International Mediation Institute and is a current member of the board of directors of the organization. In the past, he held appointments at The United Nations under UNCITRAL, has chaired International Committees for major trade and industry groups, and has lectured internationally throughout Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Caucasus and the Caribbean basin on business, law and policy as a Professor for more than a decade focusing his research and academic work through the prism of mediation, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He has served as an observer on the Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Data Act drafting committee for the Uniform Law Commission. He was a co-author on personal data protection legislation introduced into the New Jersey Assembly Homeland Security Sub-Committee in 2018. Weiss provided extensive testimony in the New Jersey Assembly hearings and in high level discussion with industry trade groups representing “big tech” on the importance of protecting personal data for security as well as regulation for consumer protection.
Weiss has extensive publications in the field of mediation, law, and business policy. He was featured in the New York State Bar Association Lawyer Journal and is published in Cardozo’s Singapore Mediation Convention Journal on his research and usage of mediation. He contributed to policies & articles including the recent “New Jersey Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation Act” a law that was inspired by his publication at Columbia Law School entitled “Adoptive Arbitration.” This important transnational statutory framework was recognized with the prestigious James A. Boskey Award for his contributions to mediation and his work on mediation policy in New Jersey. The Boskey Award, formerly the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Practitioner of the Year Award, is presented by the N.J. State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section and is widely recognized as the highest honor that an individual can achieve in the development and practice of ADR in the New Jersey. Weiss graduated from New York Law School – Juris Doctor (J.D.) (1996 – 1999), Drew University Bachelor’s Degree – Political Science and Government (1991 – 1994), and University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne – International Law and Legal Studies (2011 – 2011) Cornell Law School joint program on international dispute resolution.