February Wed, 2023
NFCTA: Crime Guns Report
The National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA) is an examination of firearms commerce and their diversion to illegal markets. Volume II focuses on crime guns that jeopardize the safety and security of Americans. Using a compilation of data, information, and expert analysis relating to crime guns recovered by law enforcement during investigations, this report helps set the precedent for research in firearms violence.
November Tue, 2022
Major Chiefs Violent Crime Report
Brooks Bawden Moore's Weekly Update and Analysis has provided The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) publication detailing their latest violent crime report. This report is a midyear comparison of 2022 & 2021, January to September. Compared to 2019 figures, MCCA member cities have experienced a 44.5% increase in homicides and a roughly 40.5% increase in aggravated assaults.
October Sat, 2022
Examining the Impact of ICAT De-escalation Training
These reports examine the efficacy and impact of Integrating Communities, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) de-escalation training, which has been found to reduce use-of-force incidents and injuries for officers and citizens alike.
October Sat, 2022
Protecting Children in the Age of End-to-End Encryption
With end-to-end encryption and dark-web access becoming more accessible, the protection of children from exploitation is becoming more crucial. This report goes into patterns of online child sexual exploitation and abuse, the impacts of end-to-end encryption, and a range of ways to intervene.
September Thu, 2022
OnPolicing Blog on Rapport Building in Interviews and Interrogations
How police communicate with the public has received increased attention by academics and law enforcement leaders seeking to put evidence-based practices in the hands of police officers. This blog looks into the research and examines ways to translate the findings into best practices.
September Thu, 2022
21st Century Protest Response
This publication provides recommendations for law enforcement agencies and is part of an ongoing assessment of and dialogue about best practices concerning protests and mass demonstrations.
February Sat, 2020
Rapid DNA: Applications and Considerations
Rapid DNA is a tool used to augment the DNA analysis process within the first few hours of an investigation. Given the generated interest in the topic within recent years, this white paper explores the applications, limitations, expansions, and potential concerns of Rapid DNA analysis.